Swans @ the Naarden Artfair Netherlands
Preview of new presentation swans before they are on display at the Museum Francois Pompon or at Sealieu from May 2025
Mark Dedrie @ musée Francois Pompon
From the beginning of January 2025, you can sign up with one of the galleries representing me for a bronze sculpture that will be exhibited in the museum. The certificate will also include the history of the sculpture. A new catalogue will be published in March with the sculptures created after my book ‘Timeless Sculptures’.
Antica Namur 2024
A fair at the top of its art, The Antica Namur fair has followed an exemplary course since its creation and, over the past 46 years, has seen a constant progression in quality. "Antica Namur also offers an expanded contemporary range and confirms its role as a fair for collectors and enthusiasts, one of the last in Europe to offer such a broad spectrum of furniture from all periods." Philippe Fiévet – Paris Match | 14 November 2023
Exposition bronze Sculptures
galerie Vent des cimes from 7 September to 5 October 2024
Kiwi Sculpture find new home at Leigh Yawkey Woodson Art Museum"
September 16 I received some incredibly exciting news this week from the United States: my bronze kiwi sculpture has been acquired by The Leigh Yawkey Woodson Art Museum. This marks the second time one of my sculptures has been added to their collection, the first being the sword-billed hummingbird. What makes this acquisition particularly meaningful to me is that the museum specializes in Birds in Art from all around the world. The fact that my work has found a place in a museum dedicated to Birds in Art is a true honor and inspires me to continually push the boundaries of my craft when it comes to depicting birds. As I reflect on this achievement, I can't help but feel a sense of accomplishment and motivation to set the bar even higher. In fact, I'm already well into the advanced stages of designing my next sculpture for the upcoming 'Birds in Art 2024' exhibition. In my mind's eye, I can already see the finished piece, and I find myself happily floating on cloud nine as I immerse myself in this creative process.
The animal as monument with the "Crescendo" swan.
令人兴奋的消息:马克-戴德里(Mark Dedrie)的独家作品天鹅 "Crescendo "下周将前往巴黎参加由 18 位动物艺术家组成的著名群展! 马克-戴德里令人惊叹的青铜雕塑 "Crescendo "即将在国际上大放异彩。这只令人叹为观止的天鹅是 6+4EA 限量系列中的最后一只,它将参加在巴黎举办的一个具有里程碑意义的展览。 千万不要错过这个难得的机会,欣赏 "Crescendo "的全部光彩,并欣赏其他 17 位才华横溢的动物艺术家的创作。这次展览将是一次令人难忘的艺术与美的庆典"。
September 9 – November 26, 2023 Birds inspire us in endless ways through their flight, beauty, and delightful mannerisms. The 48th annual exhibition celebrates avian wonders through fresh interpretations in original paintings, sculptures, and graphics created in the last three years.
Uitgave nieuw boek en tentoonstelling 'Timeless Sculptures'
Timeless Sculptures is het vierde boek en tot nu toe het meest omvangrijke overzicht van het oeuvre van dierkunstenaar Mark Dedrie. Van gloednieuwe creaties tot enkele klassiekers, je ontdekt ze allemaal. Doorheen het boek vertelt Mark ook wat de inspiratiebronnen zijn, die zijn werk beinvloeden. Kijken en genieten van Timeless Sculptures? Dat kan vanaf 12 maart in de Early Birds Art Gallery
Exhibition at the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum
September Hours 9 a.m.–2 p.m. Daily www.societyofanimalartists.com Purchase Animal Impressions Works Entrance to the exhibit is included in museum admission or memberships. How do animals impress upon us an appreciation of the natural world, of our connection to the animal kingdom, to our planet and to our own humanity? What are our impressions of these animals and their lives? This exhibition is a collection of works from members of the Society of Animal Artists that consider and interpret these questions through a variety of mediums. The Society of Animal Artists is an international organization for artists who paint, sculpt, or draw animals and wildlife, founded in 1960. The 60 pieces in this special exhibit represent artists from 7 countries and 27 states within the U.S.
Selected for museumshow Birds in Art 2020 and museum tour through USA in 2021
Artwork from 114 artists from throughout the world is included in the 45th annual Birds in Art exhibition. This year, 510 artists submitted 830 artworks for consideration by the three-person jury. The exhibition includes artwork by the Museum’s 2020 Master Artist Timothy David Mayhew, 22 who were named Master Artists during previous Birds in Art exhibitions, and 91 artists whose work was selected by the jury. Birds in Art, which presents original paintings, sculptures, and graphics created within the last three years by worldwide artists, once again celebrates avian marvels through fresh artistic interpretations. See this list of 2020 Birds in Art artists’ names whose work is included in the 2020 exhibition.
Woodson 艺术博物馆购买 Mark Dedrie 的青铜雕塑
“好消息” Leigh Yawkey Woodson 艺术博物馆决定购买我的作品“刀嘴蜂鸟”,并作为其永久藏品。 Woodson 艺术博物馆非同一般,它是年度“艺术中的鸟”展览的主办方。可以观赏 Mark Dedrie 的刀嘴蜂鸟的这一展览在 2019 年 12 月 1 日之前举行,预计有 16,000 多名访客。 展览过后,该“刀嘴蜂鸟” 将“巡回”于得克萨斯州的 Wichita Falls 艺术博物馆、纽约的 Newington-Cropsey 基金会以及缅因州的 Wendell Gilley 博物馆,然后返回 Woodson 艺术博物馆进行收藏。
六月份我们有好消息:Mark Dedrie 的两件作品入选知名国际展览。“刀嘴蜂鸟”在美国沃索市 Woodson 艺术博物馆的“艺术中的鸟”展览中展出。“松鸡”则入选得克萨斯州圣安东尼奥市 The Briscoe Western 艺术博物馆的“艺术与动物展”。
Mark Dedrie 的两件作品“刀嘴蜂鸟”和“松鸡”展翅飞翔并将于 2019 年秋飞越大西洋。Mark 的作品是初次入选“艺术中的鸟”展览,是第二次参加“艺术与动物”博物馆巡回展览。