
六月份我们有好消息:Mark Dedrie 的两件作品入选知名国际展览。“刀嘴蜂鸟”在美国沃索市 Woodson 艺术博物馆的“艺术中的鸟”展览中展出。“松鸡”则入选得克萨斯州圣安东尼奥市 The Briscoe Western 艺术博物馆的“艺术与动物展”。

In June we had big news: two works by Mark Dedrie are included in famous international exhibitions. "Sword-billed Hummingbird" moves to Birds in Art at the Woodson Art Museum in Wausau, USA. And "Grouse" travels to Art and the Animal at The Briscoe Western Art Museum in San Antonio, Texas.

These museum shows are the place to be as many large art collectors and galleries are present. A selection for these exhibitions often paves the way for a solid commercial career in the States.

We seize this opportunity to make numerous contacts with other galleries. That is why we do not go empty-handed to the U.S! We are currently finalizing an exclusive book especially for the galleries where we will visit in September. 'I AM THE BEST' will be the title of the book.